Days 1 & 2 –Financial Modeling & Advanced Sensitivity Analysis
Overview and introduction to financial modeling
Excel best practices and efficiencies
Construction and Application of:
  • Core statements
  • Other long-term items schedule
  • Working capital schedule
  • Equity schedule
  • Depreciation schedule
  • Shares outstanding schedule
  • Amortization schedule
  • Debt and interest schedule

Troubleshooting the Model:

  • Understanding and controlling for circular references
  • Balancing the model
  • Making the model “deal ready”
  • Utilizing the Finished Product:
  • Data tables
  • Advanced Sensitivity Analysis:
  • Adding scenarios to the model
  • Creating a toggle for cases / naming cells
Day 3: Advance Macros, VBA for Finance


Accessing VB editor, Developer tab

Changing security to ‘Disable all macros with notification’

Recording your first macro – copy pasting values

Formatting chart with macros

Creating flexible CAPM model using Form Controls and Active X

Objects & Control statements in VBA code


Investment Banking – Merger & Acquisitions

Types of Mergers & Acquisitions (Consolidation, Spin off, Drivers of M&A)

  • Differentiate between financing and operating synergies
  • M&A Regulatory Environment
  • Developing M&A Models
  • Integration of Financial Statements
Day 4:M&A I & II

Meaning and Categories of M&A Merger

Motivations Forms of Payment in a Merger

Deal Hostile versus Friendly Offer

Evaluating a Merger Bid

Case: Estimating fair acquisition price of the target company in M&A

Discounted Cash Flows

Comparable Companies

Comparable Transactions

Case: LinkedIn acquisition by Microsoft

Finding out rationale for the transaction

Searching and researching relevant reports

Collecting and projecting numbers

Creating high level merger accounting for goodwill – Pooling method

Accretion/Dilution Analysis and Modeling a Financing Plan

Modeling a Financing Plan

Performing Sensitivity Analysis on Acquirer’s EPS, Contribution Analysis

Case Study 
  • Data Collection from Public Sources
  • Understanding the Business Profile of the Company
  • Modeling Revenue and Expenses Drivers
  • Modeling Income Statement
  • Modeling Implied EBITDA
  • Balance Sheet Projections
  • Cash Flow Statement Projection
  • Performing Valuation and Sensitivity Analysis
  • Calculating Enterprise Value and Implied Market capitalization
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